2024 City of Albemarle Parks, Recreation Greenways and Open Space Survey

Dear Albemarle Resident,
We want to hear from you. The City of Albemarle is conducting a survey to help determine parks and recreation priorities for the community. These items contribute significantly to our quality of life in Albemarle, and your opinions are very important to us. This survey is part of the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Planning process. We understand there are additional engagement and survey activities in the City at the moment.

Your response to this survey will remain confidential and will be reported in group form only. We appreciate your time and realize this survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City in taking a resident-driven approach to recreation planning to enhance our community and improve the quality of life for all residents.

If you have any questions, please contact ETC Institute’s project manager Ryan Murray at ryan.murray@etcinstitute.com or at 913-254-4598.

Don’t miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and help us meet the ever changing recreation needs of all community members.